Leading Transportation Change
and Innovation
WHEREAS, it has been widely acknowledged that states are the laboratories for innovation because State DOTs are in a better position than the federal government to creatively solve problems, lead change, and seize opportunities. Examples of SASHTO state innovation are included in the SASHTO 2014 Annual Report; and
WHEREAS, SASHTO states have acted responsibly to preserve their transportation assets and modernize their infrastructure in the absence of adequate federal assistance or a coherent national transportation finance strategy.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the SASHTO states will continue to be innovation leaders creating, implementing and sharing more solutions to meet the transportation challenges of today and the future; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that SASHTO will partner with all levels of government along with other stakeholder organizations fostering an innovative problem solving climate that focuses on results, performance and achieving new and needed funding mechanisms to address America's freight and passenger transportation needs.
Approved by the SASHTO Board of Directors
on August 26, 2014 in New Orleans, Louisiana
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