/// Accomplishments

■ In fiscal year 2014, TxDOT recorded the lowest number of on-the-job injuries, lost-time injuries and vehicle incidents in the history of the Department. TxDOT has earned record setting lows for on-the-job injuries and/or lost-time injuries for eight straight years.

■ Texas ranked first among large state DOT’s in the recent Reason Foundation 21st Annual Highway Report. As compared to other large states, the Reason Foundation determined Texas has the lowest percentage of congested lane miles, the best rural highway pavement scores and the lowest administrative cost per mile.

■ Two innovative TxDOT projects received national praise, sweeping the Quality of Life/Community Development awards in the western regional of the America’s Transportation Awards (ATA) competition. The West 7th Street Bridge in Fort Worth received the small project award (under $25 million) and the SH 99/Grand Parkway Segment E project in Houston (from I-10 to US 290) won the large project award ($200 million or more).

■ In 2014, The Department achieved an amazing 92 percent satisfaction rating in customer service in a survey performed by the Texas Legislative Council.

■ An overwhelming majority of Texans, nearly 80 percent, voted in favor of Proposition One. With its passage, this measure enables a percentage of oil and gas tax revenue to flow into the State Highway Fund to meet the increasing needs of transportation construction and maintenance.


/// NEW Initiatives

Proposition 1. Approved by voters in November 2014, TxDOT received an additional $1.74 billion, which is funding 200 road projects throughout the state. These projects will create more than 800 miles of rehabilitated highways; nearly 500 miles of new highway lanes; 114 bridges replaced, widened or rehabilitated; and an additional 159 miles of passing lanes on rural highways.

Energy Sector Repair. TxDOT took a unique approach when it addressed road damage in the state’s booming energy sector. Through a 3-month concentrated effort that included 300 employees from 15 districts and six divisions, TxDOT repaired 70 miles in 7 counties on 9 roadways. Over $900 million has been appropriated to improve energy sector roads in fiscal year 2014-15, including $261 million in Prop 1 funding.

Fleet Forward initiative is on track to provide millions in savings while providing the right vehicle for the job at the right time.


/// Looking Ahead

■ Safety is the highest priority at TxDOT — both for the driving public, as well as TxDOT employees. Safety drives TxDOT employees’ decisions, takes precedence over schedule, includes accountability, and becomes a way of life. We expect our internal initiative, Mission Zero, to continue gaining momentum as department incident rates continue to decrease and approach zero.

■ Currently, comprehensive statewide and multi-modal planning efforts are being carried out by various TxDOT divisions. The Texas Transportation Plan 2040 will guide the state’s transportation needs and accomplish the goals in TxDOT’s Strategic Plan. The Freight Mobility Plan, the Texas Ports 2015- 2016 Capital Program and the updated Texas Rail Plan are also in the works.

TEXAS IS A NATIONAL LEADER IN TRANSPORTATION, AND WE WILL CONTINUE TO BE ONE. TxDOT is not only responsible for 197,200 lane miles and 52,000 bridges, but much of the state’s $1.4 trillion in annual economic output is transported through our highways, rails, maritime ports, airports, buses, vans and even pipelines. The citizens of Texas demand continued investment. Our state’s economic development and quality of life depend on a vibrant and responsive transportation system



Executive Director

Texas Department of Transportation


All content copyright © SASHTO 2015